Currently available Variables are:
- txtPassphrase: This is just basic and temprorary way
of Authentication. Please
contact us if you need to do tests. We will send you the value for this
- txtColor: This is how you set the color for the content
of the document. Sample value: #1F0071 (gives nice
blue pen color).
- txtBold: Set the bold style property of the generated document
- txtStyle: Choose the handwriting style property of the generated document
- txtContent: This is where the content of the letter will
be stored. Please use simple formatting. Special formatting and xml tags currently
are not supported and error will be produced.
- txtWidth: The width of the page in pixels. Default value:
2480 (width of A4 paper size assuming the resolution
is 300 dpi)
- txtHeight: The height of the page in pixels. Default value:
3508 (width of A4 paper size assuming the resolution
is 300 dpi)
- txtResolution: The resolution of the generated document
in dpi. Default value: 300 (this is the recommended
value for printing quality)
- txtTopMargin: The top margin of the generated document
in pixels. Defalult value: 250
- txtBottomMargin: The bottom margin of the generated
document in pixels. Defalult value: 250
- txtLeftMargin: The left margin of the generated document
in pixels. Defalult value: 250
- txtRightMargin: The right margin of the generated
document in pixels. Defalult value: 250
- txtFillBackground: Determine if background
should be filled with some color or transparent. Default value: True
- txtBackgroundColor: The background color of the
generated document in pixels. Defalult value: #FFFFFF
- txtCharacterSpacing: The character spacing of
the generated document in pixels. Defalult value: 0
- txtWordSpacing: The word spacing of the generated
document in pixels. Defalult value: 0
- txtRowSpacing: The row spacing of the generated document
in pixels. Defalult value: 0
- txtCharacterScale: The character scale or the
size of the letters for the generated document in pixels. Defalult value:
1.17. Best results between 1.15 and 1.22.
Important! After version of our WebApi, the
variables are not mandatory any more. If not provided value for some variable, its
default value will be assigned.
Accept Header
Following values are available as Accept header values:
- Accept: application/json: This will return Base64 version of
the PNG Image formated as json.
Example: {"image":"iVBORw0KGgoAAAAN < base64 png image> AAAAuvPkNAAAAAXN"}
- Accept: application/xml: This will return Base64 version of
the PNG Image formated as xml.
Example: <image> iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAACbAAAA20CAY< base64
png image> AAAAuvPkNAAAAAXN</image>
- Accept: image/png: This will cause writing the raw binary data
of the png formatted image, directly in the response. Since there is no data conversion
to base64 this approach gives the best performance.
- Accept: application/text or any other value different than above:
This will return simple html with Base64 version of the PNG Image formated as html
will be included.
Example: <img width="400" style="border:1px solid #454545;"
src=" < base64 png image > AENgOAGak9/kI=" />